Another year without you Mam

2010 November - 2016 November

Created by Hazel 7 years ago
Well here we are again Mam 6th November 2016, 6 years since you closed your eyes for the last time and took your last breath. I was there with you till the end and have carried those last few moments with me every minute of everyday since then. You were my rock and my inspiration and though you are no longer here I feel you near me all the time. I sense your presence and know you continue to guide me through life just as you always did. I love you more than words could ever describe and am proud to have had you in my life now just as my Mam but my best friend. I hope we continue to follow you proud and know how much we love you. Sleep tight my special angel and one day we will all be together again. 💔💟🕊⚘